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30.09.2006. Natjecanje - tipovi

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Naziv kladionice: Gamebookers


Vrijeme odigravanja: 22:00

Broj para iz kladionice: nema


Naziv para: Athletic Bilbao v FC Barcelona (HC: 1:0) http://www.bet-club.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/icon_arrow.gif

Tip para: 1

Tečaj: 2.55

Ev. Dobitak nepotpuna analiza ili bez analize : 15,50

Ev. Dobitak s analizom +20%: 18,60


Analiza (po izboru):


Ovaj par nije dobitan ukoliko Barcelona pobjedi.


Nakon neuvjerljivog nastupa u Ligi prvaka eto nam Barce na gostovanju kod ne baš gostoljubivog domaćina.


Bilbao je u protekla četiri kola kod kuće odigrao nerješeno i izgubio, a isto tako i u gostima, tako da navijači nestrpljivo čekaju prvu domaću pobjedu. Da li protiv neuvjerljive Barce?

Barca je u četiri kola kod kuće ostvarila pobjedu i nerješeno, a u gostima je zabilje

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Naziv kladionice: Pinnacle


Vrijeme odigravanja: 01:00

Broj para iz kladionice: 920


Naziv para: Detroit (-1,5) vs KC (+1,5) http://www.bet-club.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/14clover.gif

Tip para: 1

Tečaj: 1.885

Ev. Dobitak: 8,85


Analiza (po izboru):


Probables: A. Burgos (4-5, 5.60), Z. Miner (7-5, 4.37)

Jedinstvena prilika da Detroit osvoji American Central.

Sudeci po svemu ocajni KC ove sezone ovdje nema nikakve sanse , mislim da ce Detroit prirediti veliko slavlje svojim navijacima.

Krenuvsi od samog pitchinga Det ima solidan Edge.

Burgos RHP vs Miner RHP

Za Burgosa nemam sta da kazem , ne znam imali uopste start buduci da je dosao iz bullpena , tako da ne zelim da trosim rijeci uopste na njega sem toga da protiv lijevorukih "betera" ima preko 300 do desnjaci oko 300.

Miner imao svojih turbulencija tokom sezone jedan start dobar drugi los , al opet mislim da KC moze da ostavi na nuli posebno radi toga sto se dobro osramotio u svom zadnjem nastupu protiv KC-a.

Detroit u ovom trenutku nema puno problema sa lineupom , svi su tu osim Giarratana , i takav lineupm mi se cini dosta mocnim.

U zadnjih 10 Det protiv desnjaka ima .272 sto je solidan rezultat , dok KC ima .243.

Trenutno KC-ov bullpen baca grozno.Statistike radi zadnjih 3 tekme ima WHIP od 1.92 i eru od 6.69 sto je grozno.


DETROIT TIGERS - Starting pitcher Justin Verlander (9/27, rest) will miss the remainder of the regular season. Shortstop Tony Giarratano (8/29, right knee surgery) is on the 15-day disabled list. Relief pitcher Roman Colon (9/15, neck spasms) is on the 60-day disabled list. Relief pitcher Troy Percival (4/1, torn muscle in right elbow) is on the 60-day disabled list. Relief pitcher Craig Dingman (4/1, arterial bypass surgery in right shoulder) is on the 60-day disabled list.


KANSAS CITY ROYALS - *Relief pitcher Mike Wood (9/30, personal) is questionable for Saturday's game against Detroit. *First baseman Ryan Shealy (9/30, hives/flu-like symptoms) is doubtful for Saturday's game against Detroit. Shortstop Andres Blanco (9/25, subluxation/cartilage damage in left shoulder) is expected to miss the remainder of the season. Second baseman Mark Grudzielanek (9/20, strained right groin) will miss the remainder of the season. Third baseman Mark Teahen (9/6, right shoulder surgery) will miss the remainder of the season. Right fielder Reggie Sanders (8/31, left knee surgery) will miss the remainder of the season. Relief pitcher Brandon Duckworth (8/15, right elbow surgery) will miss the remainder of the season. First baseman Doug Mientkiewicz (8/24, to undergo back surgery) will miss the remainder of the season. Starting pitcher Scott Elarton (8/1, right shoulder surgery) will miss the remainder of the season. Relief pitcher Steve Stemle (4/17, right elbow strain) is on the 60-day disabled list.


KC ovdje nema nikakve sanse...





Edit by Tuto:


Ovaj par se igra u SAD-u 30.09.2006, a ne 01.10. gdje je bio postavljen.

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